Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Langley Park Care Service

"Surely we in Langley Park are able to look after our own older people."

This is the idea that has led three people to start thinking about how!

A name has yet to be devised - and the service has yet to be designed in detail - but we are looking to offer Care Services, initially to the elderly.

The care providers would be people in the village who would enjoy the opportunity to get out and do something for others and meet new people into the bargain.

Indeed, some people may be care givers and care recipients at the same time. 

We are putting tgether a survey to find out what services people in the village need - and what services people would be able and willing to offer.

Ideas may include helping with shopping, a weekly chat over a cup of tea, lawn mowing - but it could be anything.

As the service develops we hope to extend to other people in need of care, regarles of their ability to pay.
If you want to help design the service from the outset, please get in touch on 07979 64 69 98 or via http://www.wearelangleypark.co.uk/

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