Wednesday, 9 June 2010

We Painted a Bridge - and walked back into a Community

On Sat 5th June, a dozen or so of us walked down the Lanchester Valley Walk towards Bearpark and painted a bridge.

The graffiti is now gone after 30 years, and the brambles are cut back to allow people to stop and rest in comfort.

But that is just a small part of the story . . .

Langley Park Profile
In a time of economic recession and the dreadful events in Cumbria, we are delighted Langley Park could provide the good news stories for the local media.
As a result, Langley Park was featured in a full page story in The Sunday Sun; an editorial piece in the Environment Section of The Journal; two picture stories in The Northern Echo and a piece in the Durham Advertiser; not to mention a front page appearance in The Durham Times.
This is in addition to a 3 minute piece on BBC Radio Newcastle repeated several times and mentioned on other BBC local radio stations.

Community Spirit
As a result of the press coverage and poster displays around the village, everyone seems to know what was going on - and almost talk as if they were there.
By citing the story we can show that we are the community - We Are Langley Park.  If we want to do something to improve where we live, we can do it.
And if we do it, others will muck in and help.

Beyond Langley Park
As it was such a glorious day, the Railway Line was busy with people cycling, horse riding and walking - all witnessing a group of locals literally getting their hands (and hair and clothes) dirty.  We made good contacts with "active citizens" in Witton Gilbert and Ushaw Moor - so while we as individuals can encourage each other within Langley Park, we can also encourage other groups to work together across our part of Durham.

A Different Demographic
Perhaps the most striking thing about the day was the type of people that got involved.  They weren't your typical "volunteers".  Indeed,  most were in their 30s, 40s and 50s. The new generation of adults who need to take on responsibility for leading the village into the future.

Political Benefit
One of the many passers by was a new Parish Councillor, who couldn't help be impressed by the turnout, the effort and the result.  He will report on the work to the Parish Council at their next meeting this week.

Relationship with Durham County Council
We have worked closely with various departments of DCC - but this went to a whole new level by actually working together.  They not only provided the paint and brushes, but Mark Oliphant (Countryside Ranger) worked up as much of a sweat as the rest of us.

And Beyond
Once we saw what is possible, the ideas came rushing in for more . . .

The initial Ideas Rush is being written up and will appear here as a new Post.

In the meantime, we have a top coat of paint to put on, so if you want to come down on a more ad hoc basis please get in touch via the main website.


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